Slow but not safe!

“The slow and steady may win the race

Only in stories or to save the face! 

‘Cause in real life speed is the king! 

Without that you can’t talk an’ can’t sing!”

When we were learning to sail using the small sail boats in the Hussain Sagar Lake boating club in Hyderabad; our instructor was a funny guy! He used to tell us that sailing a boat and flying a plane are only for people who drive a car fast!

Previously he was a flight instructor and he used to laugh when parents used to urge him to take the students in the flight slowly! 

He used to tell them that if you fly a plane slow and low then you will crash! 

Same thing for boats with a sail! You have to accept the wind as much as you can! If the wind direction is opposite then that’s the only time you are forced to sail slow!

So not everything which is slow is good! If you are making Upma for example, when the water is boiling if you don’t put the rava fast and mix fast then it will either form lumps of be unevenly cooked! 

In the same way a common perception is that driving slow is good! Well that’s subjective! If you are driving a vehicle then you must stick to the average speed! Faster of course is bad but driving too slow is also not good! 

 In fact, driving too slowly can be almost as dangerous as going over the speed limit.

Although it is smart to take caution and drive slowly when it is foggy, raining, or while in a school zone, you should not drive too much under the speed limit during normal circumstances. 

The reason for this is because slow drivers can disrupt theflow of the traffic and cause congestion on the roads. When this happens, it causes other drivers to continuously slam on brakes or feel the need to pass, which puts all vehicles close by at risk of accidents!

Individuals who choose to drive 10 miles under the speed limit are six times more likely to be in a car accident! 

Other trouble spots will emerge when blind turns or low visibility conditions are involved; coming up on a slow driver on a foggy day, for instance, can present the approaching driver with a very limited opportunity to slow or otherwise avoid the accident! 

That’s why there are many places where you are fined even for driving slower than the limit! Of course out birthday celebrity will always be fine when he drives like a commando in his movies and ask, ‘doon kya!?’. 

Our own James bond Mithun da! Or  Chakraborty!

Now stick to the speed and all will be ok!

Shubh Ratri!

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