Camino Ghosts by John Grisham

Camino Ghosts by John Grisham!

Fictional thriller genre 

Ebook review

No spoilers; not a murder mystery anyways!

I fail to see the love John has with the Camino! This is the third in the series starting with Camino island which was in fact an introduction to the island but very soon departed to stolen books and introduction of the character called Bruce and Mercer! Then you had some thrill with stolen rare books and an exciting ending but the best part of that novel was how to write a novel and get over a slump!

It was followed by Camino winds which like the name suggests is about Camino Wind or cyclone Leo and then a murder mystery which was a frank let down!

After that debacle (according to me) this is a resurrection of sorts for some characters and also the story!

Now although the title points to Ghosts, and the stories do too; it may not be the essence of the story!

The depiction of the slave trade even in passing was really bold and heart wrenching! Some parts are really truthful and those are the places in which John shines!

I really wonder though how he writes and generates novels like a factory on steroids! Just some time back I had written the review of the sequel to the firm!

In fact even his gray mountain series has some books! Not to mention his Kid lawyer series of Theodore Boone! And here I am struggling to finish one novel!

John may be the one author who writes faster than I can read!

Now coming to the story proper, Mercer who was missing in the second novel is now a popular novelist who has two great books under her sleeve and a marriage and a god job to boot! Her friend then introduces her to a non fictional novel written by a debutant who had written it as a memoir to her people in some island near Caimino!

That island then gets into the radar of developers while Lovely the last inhabitant of that island which is like a sacred spot to her, gets in the way!

Between the court and the field, what happens is the rest of the story!

Of course it is fast paced and gripping in places and apart from some serious stuff in the middle, the novel in fact moves according to the plan!

There are no surpsises and it is a fairly predictable ending!

You do not have to read the first two novels to read this one since even though many characters are same and in chronology, the stories are independent. Of course if you are a stickler to series like me then please read the first two novels or at least read my summary of them or use the wiki!

A good time pass but nothing much to write home about!

I Miss John of the Firm and The Pelican brief and the King of tort days! 

Luckily Camino Ghost is tolerable and not ghastly!

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