Miser miser everywhere!

“Two misers having a tiff!

Who can save more dime!

It could never be sorted of course!

’cause they could squeeze the last drop of even a lime!”

An interesting article on one of the richest but most frugal woman ever!

This woman used to stink! Literally and figuratively! She used to wear the same dress for years till it started disintegrating! She The press called her “The Witch of Wall Street.” 

The basis for the name was her irascibility and her personal hygiene! She stunk. In summertime the odor would be so foul that people working in the same bank office where she kept a desk would scheme to stay as far away from her as possible!

 Her long black dresses, decades out of style, would turn green and ragged from wear and filth!

Her fingernails were crusty dirty. She went around for 20 years beleaguered by a painful hernia before she finally had to see the doctor.

She was outraged by his fee for surgery ($150 – this was a century ago), but so desperate that she agreed!

And later she tried to stiff the doctor, as was her wont whenever it came to paying for anybody’s services!

Hetty Green, often dubbed the most stingy woman in history, amassed a fortune estimated at over $2.3 billion! 

Despite marrying a fellow millionaire, she lived frugally, consuming leftover cakes and broken biscuits from grocery stores, and arguing daily for a free bone for her dog!

Her miserliness had severe consequences, such as when her son’s leg had to be amputated after she delayed treatment while seeking free medical care. Hetty Green passed away in 1916 at 81 in New York City, earning a place in the Guinness Book of World Records as the “most stingy person in the world.” She died following a stroke triggered by a quarrel with her maid over a salary increase!

Being a miser is miserable sometimes! Let’s try to get a balance! A balancing act is the sketch of the day! Done in between a super busy day! 

Have a Shubh ratri!

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