Bitter sweet!

“I loved you so much and took you in!
You stuck with me be it thick or thin!
Then why do you destroy me you brute!
Cried the decaying sweeth tooth!”

In the book The Naked Ape by Desmond Morris an interesting topic is mentioned! Food and the famous sweet tooth of the Naked ape!

How we start out meals with a sweet and end with one!

How we gobble up sweets as soon as we see them somewhere and how we have sweet shops and no sour shops! Now this novel was written 1967 and now we actually have sour shops too! The taste is more varied now and the range is huge!

Though sweet still remains top in the list!

During Puberty the preference for fruity and sweet odours falls for flowery oil and musky ones! The juvenile weakness for sweet though can be easily exploited and is frequently is!

Yuval Noah had mentioned a similar thing in his novel Homo Sapiens! He mentioned that it is not because in the early twenty-first century we must gorge on ice cream and chocolate in order to survive! Rather, it is because when our Stone Age ancestors came across sweet fruit or honey, the most sensible thing to do was to eat as much of it as quickly as possible. It is basically a survival instinct! The instant energy and chiefly the gratification the sugar gives and the fact that who knows about tomorrow!

Even in India, evey household and every area has its own sweet! Our sadya or festival meal starts and ends with a sweet!
The more variety you have, the better it is apparently! Children love them and adults join in gladly albeit slowly!

Desmond says that for adults the food is having more range and they have more options that they are overwhelmed! Indirect and direct sweet is a big temptation!
In fact the choice is so much that they have a whole gamut of people and dieticians who crop up and tell them to eat more or this and less of that!

What the poor adult must do and this is actually a very simple solution! Eat everything you want! But (every time there is a but; rest assured that whatever comes after wards is not pleasant! even if you have won the Nobel Prize, it there comes a but; run!) the crux of the matter here is that, eat everything you want, but eat LESS!

Foods that stimulate the reward system in your brain, like sugar and other foods that spike your blood sugar, can lead to cravings. Foods that are hyperpalatable (those that are sweet, salty, creamy and easy to eat) can also trigger hormones that contribute to cravings—such as insulin, dopamine, ghrelin and leptin.

Another group also states that the sweet tasting foodstuff are generally non toxic or not spoilt! Many food stuff become bitter or taste bad when they are spoilt while in the natural good state they are sweet! So we are programmed to accept sweet as a good unspoilt food whole heartedly!

It is a wonder how we can eat Bitter Gourd though I really do like some dishes made out of this awesome but non sweet vegetable! Some food stuffs being bitter is a good balance for all the excess unhealthy sweet out there! A non sweet balanced movie also is the trademark of Birthday celebrity Balu Mahendra!

Now if you want to sleep, drink some bitter Gourd juice!
Shubh Ratri!

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